August 25, 2009


It's quite humorous how our instincts kick in when we least expect them to. I guess that's why they're called instincsts - because you're born with that sort of behavior.

Take Chancho. Lola and Chancho play all the time. She really likes to play rough and he gets into the action, but in gentle sort of way. If she is pulling really hard for something, he lets go as if to say, "here you go, you can play with it, little puppy." He almost knows how rough he could play with her and that if he gets too crazy, he could hurt her. He knows how gentle she still is. He almost treats her like his little child. When I correct her when she's digging holes in our backyard, he comes up to me as if to say, "It's okay, mom, she didn't mean to." Ha!

I also learned that my motherly instincts kick in with a puppy. I used to be a super duper deep sleeper. I could get in bed and be completely out within 2 minutes. It was impressive! I could still fall asleep super fast, but now, I wake up when Lola makes noises. My deep sleep has left me. I wake up to hear that she's okay and that she doens't need to go potty outside. Who would have thought that I would have these instincts with a puppy! Woooow! I hope I get my deep sleep back before having kidos though. I'd like to enjoy my sleep for a little while longer. I also can't wait for the day that I get to sleep in again. It's been getting up at 5ish or 6ish on weekends to let her out... and let them back in so they could cuddle in Chancho's crate... and then be let out again in about an hour for water and more outside time.
Needless to say, I've been exhausted with my little pup. I'm enjoying her though either way. I could tell Chancho couldn't live without her. They're best buddies! Here are more picture of our munchkin:

August 02, 2009

... And then there were Two

Happy August!

It's been a happy August indeed! What a surprise we received this week when Chris got a call from the Colorado Vizsla Rescue. They had a puppy Vizsla they wanted to give us since we requested to get another little one earlier this year. Never in a million years were we expecting this type of call. After talking about all the pros and cons, we decided to visit her on Friday.
We were expecting a bigger pup, but when we saw her itsy bitsy body, we melted. She was so sweet and very much a puppy. A 4 month old puppy at that. We proudly introduce you to our newest addition to our growing family... Lola.

We decided to take little Lola the same day we met her. We just were given some of her food, some treats and we were on our way home. Chris and I were a little worried about how Chancho would receive her as he's not so great with new faces - as some of you know. They met in the backyard and they became instant buddies.

Those two played and played the whole evening. Now, Chancho is getting adjusted to his new life with his new little sister. She's quite energetic. yet he's mellowed out (even though he's only 2 years old), so he's had to bring out that zeal. She loves to follow and watch him all the time. I'm surprised I got her eyes off of her brother for this picture.

Ahhhh... so nice to see our two stinkers enjoying a nice Sunday nap together.

The mothers reading this blog may snicker at this comment - I feel that with this puppy and the 2-year old, that we have a preview of what's to come during parenthood. Phew. It's very tiring. Chris and I got to spend some time outside of the house yesterday and it felt almost as if we were on a date - just the two of us. Ha! Having to watch the puppy to make sure she doesn't get into trouble, to make sure she's not playing too rough with her brother or avoid an accident in the house - it's a job in and of itself. It's so nice when I have to get something done and she's playing with a toy. I don't even have to check on Chancho - he's such a good boy.

It's time to go to bed - so nice - on to the next day!