April 25, 2009

Something old, Something new...

Today, I had the pleasure of rediscovering something wonderful. Something that some countries adopted as part of their culture. Ah, yes, the siesta. I really can't remember the last time I took a nap. I must admit it wasn't my idea. I was happy looking for new recipes on the net and Chris prompted me to an afternoon nap. So very nice.

But I must report the sad part of the day. I discovered something new. I usually LOVE new things, new discoveries. This is something that people get a different parts of their life, but we all get them. I'm talking about gray hair. I got out of bed this morning wanting to quickly get ready to get my oil changed and I saw something very shiny on my head. I got closer to the mirror and to my dismay found it! Well, it's not quite gray yet...it's more like bronze. But if you know me, you know that I have jet black hair. So, any other color hair on my head that came out naturally just means that I'm losing pigment. YIKES! I wanted so much to pluck it, but remembered someone told that if you pluck one gray hair out, you get 3 more in it's place. I don't really believe that, but you never know. I don't want to wake up tomorrow and have 3 little bronze hairs sticking out of my head.

I wish the "gray" hair was borrowed.... but it's not. So, now I'm blue.